05-04-21 CRAIG CHAQUICO HOPES TO FIGHT JEFFERSON STARSHIP MEDIA ‘TRUTH DECAY’ WITH VIDEO RELEASE. Keeping them honest..On May the 4th, original Jefferson Starship lead guitarist, Craig Chaquico, shined a light saber on a growing effort by an empire of paid professional media publicity propagandists who seem to continue altering the actual historical legacy of the Jefferson Starship band, in general, and the editing out of Craig’s own influence in the success of this Classic Rock band, in particular.
(i.e., an ongoing filtering out of the truths, facts, writing credits, performance credits, clearly altered historic photos and video editing Craig out of his own legacy during the original Classic Rock hit-making Jefferson Starship glory years and then purposely injecting all this edited disinformation all over the world-wide web and across the known universe. Right here right now.)
FACT: There have been no Gold or Platinum Jefferson Starship or Starship albums before or after the Craig Chaquico years. Starship featuring Mickey Thomas is not even close. Why is this being hidden in favor of promoting other clients’ false statements giving credits to some who have never had a hit at all and the ones who have haven’t ever had one in nearly 50 years that Craig did not write or play guitar on?

With bringing attention to this ongoing problem in a weekly feature on the Craig Chaquico official Facebook page, Craig has been highlighting disinformation and fraudulent marketing by inviting his fans, and music historians, to identify the key errors in articles, band biographies, interviews, ads and social media posts like the altered one above where Craig was clearly edited out again. WHO would do that? Craig is the only original founding member, lead guitarist, hit songwriter to actually perform on all of the hits, videos, albums, tours, rehearsals, recordings and songs ever done by both of the original streaming Classic Rock Jefferson Starship and Starship bands.WHY try to hide that?
Craig was the last original to leave after everybody else he enjoyed playing with were already fired or had quit. Then he was told not to write any more music because Mickey Thomas would be the writer and choose outside songs and band direction with management, various lawyers, accountants, office staffs, and family members. Subsequently both of the original hit-making band names were officially retired. Starship was also officially dropped from the record label after Craig left. It was understood that everybody was now free to roam about the cabin with their own new ground-breaking original musical projects again and inspire more fresh creative solo album combination again. What could go wrong? There have been no gold or platinum Starship or Jefferson Starship albums after Craig left even though some now try to claim that.
There has been a very positive response to Craig’s efforts which include the release of highly entertaining video contrasting an original and deliberately altered Jefferson Starship video and historic Roger Ressmeyer photo image. Check it out here! Can you tell the difference? It’s pretty funny if you don’t think about it too much. #jeffersonstarship #classicrock #RockHistory #Craigchaquico #80smusic
To be nobody-but-yourself-in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you [somebody] else-means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop. Does this sound dismal? It isn’t. It’s the most wonderful life on earth. – apologies to E.E.Cummings for editing a word and much appreciation for his perspectives on what it takes to be a real original, world-class, relevant, creative artist and famous poet himself.

Can you see and hear the difference between the original Jefferson Starship and the MT solo project called Starship:featuring Mickey Thomas which is not the band that recorded the original hits and anthems of the 70s and 80s as it’s often falsely advertised?
Can you see and hear the difference between the original classic hit-making Jefferson Starship and the people currently using the Jefferson Starship name for their band now? There is more and more misleading disinformation on the internet regarding the various bands now and who actually did all the only hit recordings together.

“Jefferson Starship,” and “Starship,” poses with her daughter China
Kantner (L) after Slick’s induction into Hollywood’s Rock Walk, October
22, 2002 in Hollywood. Slick, best known for her song “White Rabbit,”
was one of the first female rock stars in the 1960’s and 1970’s and
currently devotes her time to painting. REUTERS/Fred Prouser